Monday, October 19, 2009

I don't get it.

Why do we all strive for everything we can’t have? Why do girls want the guy that doesn’t give a shit about them? Why do we feel like we’re worthless unless we can impress everyone in the room we’re in? Why do we have to have the newest thing, as soon as we see someone we have labeled as “cool” have it? Why do we care so much? We care so little about our actual selves, and too much about everyone else. Who gives a shit what someone thinks about you? Be your own person, not what will impress or make someone happy. Acting like a slut isn’t going to make him love you. Really, no joke. Buying that new thing isn’t going to give you that acceptance you crave. Accept yourself for God sakes. Love who you are, not what everyone wants you to be. Appreciate what you have and are given, not complain and want something better. Be happy that you are living and breathing. Don’t unbutton your blouse, don’t chase after something that doesn’t want to be caught, don’t feel like shit because someone has more material things than you, don’t hate yourself because everyone is paying attention to another girl -- it's immature. Grow up, people.

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