Monday, October 19, 2009

Why is it so hard (?)

I’m tired of people trying to make me feel bad about who I am or what I’ve chosen or how I feel. I can’t help who I am and what I desire, you have to just accept it and like it or move on. I’m not going to change or pretend to be something to make someone happy again, I’ve done that for too long already. I am myself. I feel like I do for a reason. I would much rather tell someone the truth about my feelings than act like something I’m not. I’ve tried that too many times, with two different people. If I’m not being honest how could someone ever expect a relationship to work? I am who I am for a reason. I’m not here to change to make someone happy or more at ease. It’s not being selfish. It’s standing up for the person I am and that letting someone walk all over you because of that is wrong. Life is too short for all these. Let me be me and I’ll let you be you.

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