Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome to my life.

Betta Fish. :3

Baby Guppy.

Lefty: Lepp.
Righty: Freida and Fermin.

Flake food and anti-chlorine.

Fish net.

The accessories.

All together -- Tadaaaaa. :)

I know I know, you people are like so jealous right now for seeing this post of mine, kans? Hahah LOL. I just bought fishies. 3 of 'em to be exact. I love fishies -- they're so cute and I feel like fry 'em all and eat and eat and eat and eat again. Yum yum. :3 I kenots wait to breed 'em all, Imma gonna be a mummy, sexayyh mummy to be exact. :p

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