Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The name is Lepp. :) Cho kiut kans?

It sucks that I couldn't find any bowl to place my fishies. How sad. Awbhuhuhu. >:( Tryna search every place and spot in my house, but still, I failed. I know, I suck so bad. At times I do. I'm tired. I gave up. I need some rest. So, I place them inside my room. I almost cried. No joke. I am sensitive like that. Sheesh. I went online, and upload pictures of my fishies. Heheh. :3 Dian, Razin and I -- we planned to go lepak, as usual. They come and fetch me somewhere around 10+, if I'm not mistaken. I feel so guilty. Leave my fishies like that. But, alhamdulillah, Abah gave me such a brilliant idea -- he asked me to go check out Cik Deko's place. So yeahs, I did. Heheh YAYS, finally. I saw this cute little tank in pink. Sadly, there's no purple. But it's okay. Heheh. I bought the fish tank, and it cost only RM5, so cheap kans?
Alhamdulillah. :)

So happy together.

My favorite picture, nice shot. :3

No, I am not trying to promote my desktop. Hahah.

Swimming happily.

I know, the food is like everywhere.
Don't blame me. >:( Boo!

Hmm, tryna fight?

My fishies in a pink tank. :')

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