Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trust issues.

I trusted you more than I should have let myself. A part of me still does. You were everything I needed and everything I needed to stay away from. You were perfect through your own imperfections. I saw a side of you that most people couldn’t. You say you didn’t, but I think you meant to show it to me. You felt something, the same thing that I did. Though you’d never admit it. I loved you in a strange and unconventional way. Everyone told me no, that I was dumb, wrong, just looking for heartbreak. But I continued on. Maybe not all the time, we’d take breaks and things would go back to normal, or so it seemed. But then every time we were together again I’d feel it. It was a caged bird -- so beautiful but with wings that had nowhere to fly. No space to grow. That was us. We both knew it would not go anywhere, though my hopes were always high. It was something that you just didn’t seem to want at the time. I wanted you to want it more than anything in this world. It could have been a gorgeous thing, what we would have had. I guess it’s now just memories for me. Fond ones that I look back on and see how much I learned and grew. Is it the same for you?

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