Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tame me.

Well not only do we worry too much, but we always want to be wanted -- we want someone to know our favorite places to be kissed, we want someone to hold us when we fall down crying, we want someone to know our deepest thoughts and to understand them perfectly as if the idea had suddenly appeared in their head as well. We want to look someone straight in the eye and have it be comfortable. We want to touch their back, their neck, their eyelashes, their lips -- yes we want to touch all of these things to somehow reach deeper into who they are. You want to dig so deep that you find something real, hopefully. I’m afraid that I cannot be real enough for what I want or that somebody I want cannot be real enough with me. How do I become raw, the way I want to be raw? I want to open every single wound and let it bleed all over the place. I’m sick of feeling numb half of the day. I loved being able to cry in front of him, but I don’t have that anymore. Who am I to go to when my world falls apart all over again because I know that it’s going to happen soon enough. I want to be in love, but more importantly I want someone to be just as in love with me -- every single inch of who I am and what I think should be everything they admire most. I do not think I am deserving of something so amazing just yet. I need to figure things out in my head, but while I am doing this I am searching for someone to hold onto. My body is always on the move and always searching, but my heart is screaming to be tamed by someone that can handle it.

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