Sunday, October 11, 2009

Let me tell you something.

The next time you take something and dwell on it, just remember that it’s not really worth worrying about. The people you form relationships with will hurt you, regardless of all the promises they make not to. They are going to make you cry and feel pains in your chest and second-guess everything. Human relationships are certainly odd, but addictive. Just remember this thought please, do not dwell on the fact that someone did not fall in love with you or the fact that you hurt someone in your past because guess what -- you’re gonna die. They are going to die as well. We’re all going to die so why should we dwell on all of the bad things that happen to us? We shouldn’t at all, we should move on with life because it’s happening constantly until it doesn’t anymore. Stop dwelling and find love that is real and when things go wrong just remember that life is going to end sometime and you have to do whatever it is you can to be happy while you still have a heart beat.

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