Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stinky loserghh boi.

Don't have much to say about him cause I've known him less than a week. No kiddings. Yeahs, but now we're quite close.
Oh yeahs, MSN with him last night was the bomb, I tell you. Really. Make silly emoticon faces like ---> :3 this (HEHE Aiman cakap macam bum bum, LOL), talk crap like nobody's business, talking like bimbo blondes and rempits. Honestly, he's nice and fun to be with. Oh and yeahs, we have nothing in common, really. For example, he hates laksa -- Awbhuhu. >:( And he dislike peanut butter. Now, that's a sad case. Hahah. ROFL.

We talk, we laugh, we mock and we exchange opinions and interests. He gave me advice last night -- And now, I start to think back of how naive I've been. He opened up my eyes and
I do owe him. Thankiuu loserghh. :3

Dude, I've known you less than a week but when it comes to chatting with you, it's like I've known you for years. I can even tell you anything when I have problems bothering me.

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