Friday, October 16, 2009


I feel like a lot of people don’t “get” me. That’s fine. I’m irrational, hyper, I say weird things, I’m flirtatious, I like music, I’m a dancer, an over-thinker, but I’m extremely positive, I’m always looking on the bright side, I’m open to anything, I’ll go somewhere not knowing what to expect, I’m fun. I think a lot of people feel that way about themselves, that people don’t understand, that no one gets it. I kind of also feel like I’m never going to have that perfect relationship that everyone kind of strives for. I’m okay being imperfect, I like it actually. I prefer it. But lately I do want to experience a new relationship. I’m always so anti-anything that requires an emotions that are not perfect. I hate fighting, I hate drama. I’m glad our drama is finally put to rest. I want to meet someone that knows absolutely nothing about me. I want to go on dates, actual dates. I want to try a new restaurant or eat breakfast together. I want the simple things. That’s all I want --simplicity.

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