Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love like this.

I will never understand how someone can go from being one of the most important people in your life to being another stranger that you feel you never connected with in the first place. How do we live with ourselves knowing we lose all of the love we used to have, how does love just go away the way it does? If it goes away, does that mean it was ever love or just something we hoped to be love someday? I’m not entirely sure, but I think love is love no matter how long it lasts. If you meet someone briefly I think you can love them because you can see how lovely they are and that you would never want anything bad to happen to them. No, you don’t have to go and tell them you love them and be in some kind of relationship with them, no. Well, but when you yourself know how you feel about them, then I think that’s love -- because it’s genuine.

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