Monday, September 14, 2009

Life's a bitch.

Words from songs can make you smile, and sometimes can make you cry. Why? Because you seem to imagine of all the memories you've been through and think about the ups and downs of your life. To people out there, when someone is feeling so down and low because he/she is thinking about life and everything that she's going through, that is not called emo. I don't get why you would call it emo just because their letting out their emotions, ish, don't blame them because you don't have feelings. Do people call you crazy when you start smiling by yourself or maybe sitting in the corner and suddenly laughing all alone? Heys, that's just you enjoying that very moment or you're just loving life. Each and everyone has their ups and downs, don't lie to me and tell me your life is perfect, maybe it is for now, you'll see what comes next. You do good, you get back good. You do bad, you get back bad. In fact, sometimes worst. As they say, what goes around comes around.

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