Friday, September 11, 2009

Insides out.

I used to think that finding someone you can click with, someone who made your stomach feel sick, your hands starting to shake and your whole body feel off balance was always going to mean something special. But these are things that just happen, they're not a result of something he's doing for you. He isn't making these things happen, they just happen. What i've come to realize is, what matters is -- how he makes you feel on purpose. The feelings he can cause in you that are every bit of his control. he is calling just to say he misses you, lying in bed next to you while you're reading your favorite 'romance fiction', turning off his favorite hardcore music when you're in the car with him just because you get a headache by listening to them, trying to crack a stupid joke to make you laugh or learning to accept that you like the one team in football he couldn't stand. These are the feelings that do not just fade away in time because he won't let them. if it's really something, he'll be able to make you feel those things no matter the circumstance.

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