Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Harder chaos.

It's been 1 year 2 months and 6 days since he left. GODAYUM, I thought I was gonna feel much better than this. People say I'll get used to it and stuff. Nothing's change, nothing's happen.

I don't want to get used to it, him not being around. Him not gonna be around like a paparazzi taking lots of photos. I miss that. I miss him always making me crack up like crazy. I'm having trouble breathing now, and I'm having trouble facing the fact that he's gone. He's never coming back. Maybe I'm just hoping too much from him, yeah I know but that's the only thing that keeps me going. I can't stop hoping, if I do what other thing can I depend on? I know there's no such thing as a happy ending but I know I'll try to get as close as I can. I'll wait for him. Even though it'll take me 5 years or even 10. I don't care. Maybe I'm going to change my mind in the middle of those years but God knows when. And even maybe I'll still love him, Maybe I'll love him even more. Let's just see how it goes.

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