Wednesday, September 2, 2009

End of road.

Do I remind you of the pain that she put you through? Is that the reason I’m to blame? Is it because she treated you badly and now you accused me. It’s killing me boy, knowing that you compare me to her. She left a scar across your heart. Yes, I understand boy. Don’t let her wrongs tear us apart. Because I'm not who's hurting you, boy. Just because she did, you swear I’m cheating and you think I just don't care. Boy, you know that ain't fair right. I'm just trying to show you something real. And yeah, for you to figure out what is going on.

But, I think you ain't gonna change your mind. Things didn't work out between us, should've known earlier. Sorry, I'm not good enough for you. If this was meant to be, then we'll see each other again and we'll be together in the end. We just need some time apart for now. I wish you everything great in this world. Thank you for everything. I hope we'll cross paths again, but for now best of luck to you.

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