Monday, August 3, 2009

Karma's a bitch.

Now that's what everyone around here have been talking about "Karma". That's not what I'm here for. Well the thing is, people miss-used and misunderstood the meaning of "karma".

Lemme get this straight, karma happens when, ok lemme give you one example and this has nothing to do with me or anyone around me okay. I'm just writing what's on my mind.

It happens when you did something behind your other half WITHOUT them knowing, and the next thing you know they confessed and told you the truth that they cheated. Ah, now that's karma.

when you were treated unfairly or you didn't get the attention you wanted and you purposely did the things they did to you in return, now that's not karma bitch, that's just plain revenge! Ish, come on lah. Get it right.

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