Friday, August 21, 2009

Can't you see?

Why didn't I run before I fell?
Why didn't I turn back when I had time?
Why did I choose to get hurt?

But now, I made a different choice. I choose to surrender the good things that happened to me. Yeah, the laughs and smiles we shared, those moments we had. Let it go, I really think so. You want what's best for you and I think I hold that very big part, I'm gonna let you be happy. I'm holding you back from happiness and I think you deserve each and every bit of it. I'm not blaming you for this, because I think I'm the one that should be blamed. I hope you're happy. I don't want to be selfish, to just think about myself not her - your girl. I've been there and done that. I know how it feels. Yeah, you did told me before that you once leave her for another girl, just because she can't treat you the way the other girl treat you. And now you claim the same thing to me? But, what if, I can't treat you the way your girl does? You're going to leave me, no?

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