Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I want to know more about you.

What’s your favorite color? What is your family like? What is your favorite thing to watch on TV? Who was your first crush? What do you want to be when you grow up? Where is your family from? What is your favorite time of day? What is your favorite time of year? What is your favorite children’s book? Where/when do you feel most at home? What is your favorite dessert? What is the greatest decision you’ve ever made? Where did you get your favorite T-shirt? What is your biggest fear? What is your favorite movie? Least favorite? Religion? Do you think this is our time now or is there something beyond this life? What were you like as a kid? Where would you like to travel? Where have you traveled? Who was your first best friend?

They could be things that barely brush the surface or things that you can barely talk about, I just want to know.

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