Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brand new.

Well yeahs, I've come to realized that I've been living in a lie.
For reals yows. I thought I'd be so cool doing this and that what I'm currently doing, but heck, it's not what its called "cool". It's a waste of time and truck lotsa cash, really. I thank God that finally, I'm back on track -- thanks for giving me a 2nd chance. I'm ready to be the girl I used to be. Alhamdulillah. :') Alcohols and drugs are not my big thing anymore. And I cannot imagine if my parents found out about this. I'll be getting a very nice "bitch-slap", or maybe worse than that. Well, I deserve it.

I would like to say sorry to my family, especially my parents.

Oh and yeahs, thanks to 'em all:
Faiznur Atiqah, Nur Adila, Dian Nuriana, Razin Mohd.
Thanks for having my back all the way, I love you guys to death, I swear.

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