Thursday, November 12, 2009


I can hear my heart breaking in the chest.

It was a day before our anniversary. When you told me you didn’t love me anymore. At all. Not even a single bit. Nothing.

How could you put me through so much pain. Pull my heart out right out of my chest and then just crush it right in front of me? Why couldn’t you try? Why did you convince me to fall in the first place. You knew I was insecure. I was beaten. I was drained. And yet I gave it to you. My all, my everything. And then you tell me a day before our anniversary, after a relationship of 1 year and plus, after something so undeniably perfect, that you don’t feel a single thing when you talk to me.

Why can’t I just be strong. I’ve fallen again. God help me.

You pushed me away like I was never anything to you.

I can hear it. I can hear every tick and rip in my chest right now.

I don’t want this kind of love anymore.

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