Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thank you, Romeo and Juliet.

I want to be one of those girls who don’t give much importance to having a love life. I want to feel okay with being alone. As much as I honestly enjoy my independence and the ability it gives me to choose my life course and know my true self and strengths as well as weaknesses. There are those irritating moments where my heart begins to worry. It brings this ridiculous fear, I should not be having at the age of 20. What has gotten me so rushed to not end up alone? To fear that who I date now could potentially be my future man and raise even more neurotic questions like can he deal with me? Will he leave me halfway through? Will we be bored of each other 15 years from now?

My cousin doesn't seem so bothered by such things. I envy that. The ability for her to never even have bothered with “boy hunting”. She never seems to even have a phase of “loneliness” while being single. And when she does have a boyfriend, she's not the slightest bit swept off her feet or googly-eyed by it. What is it that's got some woman so wrapped up in placing love as a priority? And why hasn’t this disease reached every girl?

Not fair.

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