Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sticks and stones.

Sticks and stones might break your bones, but words will make you want to die on the inside. I’m talking about the kind of words that leave your jaw slack because you’re just that shocked that someone would say something so horrible to you. I’m talking about the kind of words that burn and boil and fester in the back of your head like a mother fucking tumor when they crawl inside of your ear. I’m talking about the kind of words that find the stitches that you worked so hard to keep clean and rip open the sutures. I’m talking about the kind of words that slip out of my mouth when I’m not looking, like inmates staging a daring prison break. I’m talking the kind of words that you only say when you never want to see someone again. The kind of words that you regret as soon as the leave you lips, but it’s too late. The kind of sinister syllables that aren’t merely lines on a paper or sounds in your throat, but monsters in your head that usually only come out when you’re alone. But you can’t hold them back right now, can you?

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