Sunday, October 11, 2009

Second chance.

Second chances. Girls take more of them than guys do. Why? I blame Disney, building up these false hopes, making me believe I can have my Prince Charming. We believe that one day we’re going to be saved, that one day, one boy is going to come and change our whole lives around in the most perfect way. In the movies there’s no ‘other woman’, there’s no deception. There’s just a happy ending, conditions & circumstances don’t apply. So what are we to do when our hearts get broken? The logical thing to do is move on, oh yeahs of course, but despite all the lying, the cheating, the crushed dreams and the painful memories -- there’s a speck of hope. A tiny little piece of our hearts that’s begging for the fairy tale and screaming that we let him try again. So we do. We cry and bite our tongues, hoping that this liar in aluminum foil will finally become our knight in "Shining Armour" -- hoping that this time he’ll be able to make us feel safe and actually do it. That’s why we break so easily because our fairy tale dreams are placed on real life boys. Boys who need to be saved themselves.

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