Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My heart just wanders.

I find myself falling faster and faster every time I look into your brown eyes. But I’m scared. However, I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of myself. I’m afraid of the way I tend to handle these emotions. This is the main reason I close myself off from those feelings. To give off the impression that I am stronger, that I am wiser, that I am better than that. But I am not.

I love the way you think, the way you smell, the way you look at me, touch me, hold me. Hold me for awhile -- I feel safe. I am weak for you, but you make me feel strong. Sometimes I forget that we are on the same level. I am learning just as much as you are learning. This mutual respect is what gets me every time. I am happy with you and that’s all that should matter right now. No future, no past -- just the present.

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