Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'll be fine.

I could easily say that my world would crash and my heart would break beyond repair, if we don’t become something of an item. I love you and you probably don’t love me all that much, but I just want you to want me, to need me, even just for a little bit. I want to be your one. But you know what, if we don’t become an item of sorts, my world will not crash and my heart will not break. I’ve lived my whole life without you anyway. I am fine at the moment without you, so why should you liking another girl make any difference? I will be fine no matter what happens, of course. What I’m really trying to say is, I love you a lot, but at the moment you disappoint me often, when I expect things from you and you fail to meet the standards and you are completely unreliable. Despite this, I still manage to go weak at the knees and my brain turns to static when you’re around. I just want you. That’s it. You don’t have to be one of those romantic boyfriends who buy silver jewelery and a dozen white roses. All I want from you is for you to open up to me. To allow me to be close to you. I want us to share everything, to be each others soul mates. That’s all.

I will be fine without you, but I would really rather be amazing with you. We could be amazing.

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