Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I promise.

There’s going to be at least one time in your life when you feel out of place, but chances are it will be more than just one. You’ll follow through with your daily routines, and one day you’ll just realize it -- that you’re not entirely happy with what you’re doing. And after finalizing that fact, you can’t seem to shake it. So you live your days in routine, trying your best to erase your thoughts from your mind but it’s not that simple -- because if you just ignore the things your heart and mind are telling you, you’ll never get to where you need to be. You’ll have to take a huge risk at some point, a huge step in your life. And no matter what that may be, just make sure to follow your heart, but don’t ignore your head. Do what feels right at that very moment because chances are you’ll regret what you don’t do rather than what you do follow through with. If that risk still doesn’t feel right, try something else. Experience something new. Do what feels right. Always, always, always follow your heart. And most importantly, never ever give up. You’ll get to where you need to be one day. I promise.

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