Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The heart.

Well my heart, works in such strange ways. I’ve had my heart beat to a pulp yet I still want to find real love out there somewhere. I’m still a believer after being taken advantage of and not appreciated. I want something real and passionate but I also want to be able to run free. My heart is too wild to be tamed at this moment. It’s everywhere at once. I’m capable of loving someone and being loved but when will my heart settle down? Will it ever? I want to talk and flirt and kiss but I’m not so sure about the seriousness. I don’t want someone to fall in love with me when I’m not ready to love back. I want someone as wild as I am right now. Someone who will just understand and not immediately need love from me. Someone who is fine with just being my friend right now. Someone who understands that I’m too wild for my own good.

How did you find the exact words I needed?

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