Friday, August 21, 2009

Real bad.

We don't always get what we want and we don't always get what we need. Some words may hurt and some words may sting. But what's worst than a lie? :(

Do you prefer being with someone who's not only lying to himself but also to you? Do you feel great finding out your other half is actually not that in love with you? I know I wouldn't. It's best if we know the truth although how bad it may sting you. So ladies and gentleman, I've done this same mistake more than a gazillion times and I don't think I should be self-centered.

We can't blame the other person for saying that he/she doesn't love us. Love is something that can't be forced, right? The right one will come, maybe not today, not tomorrow nor the next day, but it will still come somehow someway. :')
All we have to do is just wait, mates!

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