Friday, August 7, 2009

Let bygones be bygones.

This post goes to you - Heleeza Saidin.

Hey woman, stop saying sorry to me yeah? It's okay. Past is past. People made mistakes and people change. And so do I. Don't feel bad, sweetie. It's not really your fault. I don't blame you, not even close. Just so you know, our relationship is over not because of you. It ended because we have no chemistry anymore, and the fact that his love towards me is "nada". Don't blame yourself okay? Yes, I have to admit that I do blame you back then, but you have to understand my situation. It's hard for me to explain and put it in words. Ah, never mind. So, just let it be okay? You don't have to reminisce about me every time ur with him. No, don't be. I'm nothing to him, remember? Don't let go of this grand opportunity. Keep him tight with you.

Abdul Aziz Fikri, he's a nice boy - such a keeper. He can be pretty romantic at times. But just so you know, he has this huge ego that keep him from showing off his feelings. At least, I think so. You're one lucky bitch to have him by your side every where and then. I'm happy for you both. I really am. :)

Okay here I am, wanna make a confession.
I sadly realized that I'm not good enough for him. I am always with my emotional mode. I never cared about his feelings, all I think about is "Me, Myself and I". I never understand what he wants and what he needs. I never be there for him when he really needs me because I'm too busy with my girlfriends. I never give him a space to be alone because all I need is for him to be with me - every min/sec of my life. And the list goes on...

Well, I really hope you won't repeat my silly-arse mistakes. Be good, woman! You will never regret every single moment when you're with him, trust me. Keep my words safe with you - always. If you need anything, you know where to find me. Take a good care of yourself. Please be safe alright. Good day, mate.

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