Monday, August 3, 2009

It takes time.

To realize...

You still love, still care, kept on contacting even though you've been treated unfairly.

I'm not putting all the blame on you because that would be mean and I'm not that mean. I've done a lot of mistakes too, said all those things that wasn't supposed to. Now from what I've been writing, people might thought you're the bad guy? Well not really, but believe me I'm not going out with someone else never intended to do so. Not for now.

Even though some of the people around you, have been telling that it's time to leave, but you didn't instead, you fight for your rights and because you know that there's still hope, there's still love despite all the fights, misunderstandings, selfishness, ego and the friends-comes-first issue.

You might call me stupid, but I just can't stop whatever I'm doing right now. You're just a part of me that I can't let go. :( I've done lotsa mistakes back then and I really don't want to repeat it again, now, forever and always. And for I to lose you.

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