Monday, August 3, 2009

Frankly speaking.

You'll reach this one point where you couldn't careless, not because you stopped loving only because you'll realize that being mad about the stupidest little things IS STUPID. Everyone needs their own space, come on everyone wants freedom, now don't you? A friend once told me that you don't need to contact each other 24/7 to show that you love each other. 2 - 3 messages a day will do. But then again, I might be wrong. Things might turn out the other way round right? The truth is, we can't predict the future, stop planning something big like marriage (I've learned my lesson, and it hit me hard on the face/heart/head). Especially when they made it clear that they'll find someone else in the future. Ah come on, hey we're still too young to do so, life's all about having fun look around you have mates to have fun with. :-) Good day, mates.

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