Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brand new.

It's been a while since I last blog a post. Been really busy with party life, I must say. It's not that I wanna brag about how much I party and what not. I've come to realized that I waste truck lots of my time with night-life, alcohol and drugs. It's pointless, I tell you. Should've just stay at home with my loved ones and spend my whole time with them while I still can. These past few years of living, I've been living in a lie, I really am. As you can see, in my blog, I post so much about love life, well it's not really my love life - my crushes. get what I mean? there goes, boy A, boy B, boy C and etc. Funny isn't it? One girl can deal with tons of guys in one time. How cheap am I? LOL.

I sadly realized that I've changed. I used to be a firm girl back then. It's hard for me to fall in love, to put my trust on someone and things like that. But now, it's different. It's like I'm not me anymore. Trust me when I say, I don't know me anymore, really. How sad is that? I really need to find myself back.

I've made a pledge that I'm going to be better, I mean, I have to change myself for good. I used to think that without a guy in my life, I'll be miserable and lifeless, but hey look, I'm still here, still alive. Well, I've made a wrong conclusion. I'm better off alone, at least I think so. People change, don't we?

Anyways, sorry for all my wrong-doings, people.

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