Monday, July 13, 2009

Shit happens.

Everything's changed, ah things changed. What can I say? I'm a sucker for them. *tears*

I miss my-nerdy-brace-face, when are you coming back from Singapore? It sucks here, you know. I want to fly with you there, working with you, taking care of you, having lots of fun with you and your boys, and oh yes My Iidreen aswell. I don't mind if it's a boring job but as long as I am with you - together, always. I'd do anything to be with you again. Anything, you name it. If only you knew how hard this is for me, smooth darling. With you by my side I feel safe and loved, I really do. I feel secure. I don't care about anyone else. You've changed me into something good. You barely know me but you accept me just the way I am. With you, I feel everything's fine and nothing can ever tear us apart. No one dares.

And to Naz: Just so you know, Iidreen missed you like mad. It's been a while since she had this kind of feelings. I swear.

Iidreen says:
because they are man. they treat us differently from other person we met before

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