Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's a sad thing.

This little Freddy is dead. He used to be my enemy when we have our sleepover(s) at Dian's. I have issues with cats, haha, who gives the fuck? But, I have to admit that he's cute, like really really cute and small. Very hyper, I tell you. He loves to kacau other cats especially Putih, the emboda's. Hahaha, no offence. Dian told me that cat is gay. :p But yeah, back to the story. This little Freddy means a lot to Dian, when I say a lot means A LOT. They share everything together, seriously no kidding. Even though Freddy is so annoying at times but he's cat, how in the hell he knows it right? Hmmm, what to do. What's done is done. We can't do anything to bring this cat back. Just pray for the best. It's not your fault for not taking care of him, don't ever blame yourself alright pumpkin?

Dian Nuriana, don't be sad and all frown yeah? You have my back. We're always here for you, no worries. If you feel like crying, just let it all out, let it go sayang. One day, you'll get used to it. Be strong. I love you. Take care because I care, xx

Rest In Peace, Freddy
We love you sweetie, we do.


  1. Thanks for this sweet blog . I'll try to be strong . Is a bit lonely in my house without his "kenakalan" . Well , what is gone will be gone . I redha je , its ok . God loves him more . Thank you . I love you .XX :((

  2. Be strong, sweetie pie. Have a faith. :) xx
