Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Dreams and daydreams. I love them. Although, I have to admit that some of them can be pretty weird and scary but at the end of the day those dreams will be the only thing that makes me happy. Seriously, no kidding. *punch self*

I run to them when I'm upset. I guess I've been running to them a lot more often than I usually do these days. I am always upset. I am always crying . I am always miserable and depressed. What's wrong with me? I'm not usually like this. I never let myself cry. I'm just not myself lately.

Few hours back, I felt lost. I felt like a stranger to myself. I felt like the whole world was suddenly against me. As the days past by, I'm slowing losing myself and my inspiration. I've lost interest and passion in almost everything I once loved and knew.

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